Southern RoseMary Christmas Sale!!

I apologize for my lengthy absence! 

Life has been a little hectic with work, family, friends, going to London (more about that in upcoming posts ;) ), and the Etsy store. I promise I am going to make a decided effort to tell all about my travels in England with my Best friend...sometime after the holidays are over lol. 

For now, let me inform you about the fantastic sale that is happening at Southern RoseMary :)

Etsy Store Grand Opening!

It's Etsy store is now open! It is such a relief to have it up and running :)

You can visit my shop at Please stop by and let me know what you think!

Etsy Community Here I Come

I showed some of my friends and family members my finished embroidery and I kept getting encouragement to start an Etsy store. I prayed about it and pondered over the idea...and I decided to go for it :)
Sneak peak of Etsy shop listings :)

Innate Need to be Creative?

Do you ever feel that you have an innate need to be creative? Well, I do. I didn't discover this about myself until a year ago. Before then, I consistently had an outlet to create, design, paint, etc. 

So many pretty colors!

From Adventures in the Northeast to Southern RoseMary

Originally I started this blog to update my friends and family on the many adventures that occurred during my graduate internship in New England. However, my internship is over, I have a full-time job (and in my field of study no less!), and I am still having adventures. So....after moving across the country (again lol) and putting down roots I decided to start blogging again. 

Now that this Oklahoma girl has returned from New England I think my blog needs a little...freshening up. Hence the new title "Southern RoseMary" which also corresponds to the Etsy store that I am starting up :)

Stay tuned for more to come...... :)