The Victoria & Albert Museum, Harrods, Hard Rock Cafe, and the London Eye | London, England

On day 2 we visited the Victoria & Albert Museum, Harrods Food Hall, London Eye, and the Hard Rock Cafe Vault. 

The V&A is AMAZING!!! They had a temporary exhibition showcasing Italian fashion that was spectacular, but it didn't allow photography so sorry for no photographic evidence. We also explored the furniture, jewelry (no photos either), and stained glass galleries. All of the exhibitions and galleries were gorgeous! The building was beautiful as well and has an inner courtyard with a reflecting pool, chairs, cafe, and loads of people enjoying the sun. I could have explored the museum all day, but I had more museums on my list and I didn't want to push my luck with my non-art nerd friend :)

Next we went to Harrods for lunch at its food mall. Y'all it is so big and beautiful!! The food displays look like works of art. I had a ham and gruyere sandwich on a croissant that was amazing! The bottle of lemonade I chose had ginger in it which helped me discover that I do not like ginger in my lemonade lol. So I would pass on that beverage. Also, I had tiramisu for dessert which was very tasty once I figured out how to remove the vile of liqueur that was inserted in it. Caution: if/when you remove this vile, coco powder goes EVERYWHERE.

My one criticism about the food hall is that there is no place to eat your food inside the store. Also, there are only two benches outside. So we had an impromptu city picnic and ate our lunches sitting on the ground outside of Harrods. 

After lunch we rode the London Eye. The previous day we purchased fast track tickets online which are a little more expensive than standard ticket rates, but it was well worth it. When we bought our tickets, we had to select a date and time for our ride. For some reason we thought they would be strict about our selected ticket time and we were panicking trying to get there. We arrived 5-10 minutes later than the time on our tickets and thankfully no one batted an eye. With our fast track tickets we were in line for 10 minutes at the most. I can only imagine how long the other hundreds of people with standard tickets waited in line. 

In case you are not aware, the Eye doesn't stop for people to get on and off. So when you enter the capsule you have to hop in while it is next to the landing or it will pass you by. The views were lovely but it doesn't take you as high as I imagined. Overall, it is a really cool experience and I would highly recommend it!

For our last stop of the day, we visited the Hard Rock Cafe Vault. The entrance is in the gift shop and you must be escorted by a Hard Rock employee. The Vault is super tiny! They have so many guitars, clothing, and memorabilia by important musicians crammed into one teeny room. It would be extremely easy to knock over some of the objects so it is important to be aware of your space. That said, it's super cool and worth a visit (especially if you are a fan of rock music). 

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