Liberty's & Regent Park | London, England

On day 13 we had tea and explored Liberty London and visited Regent's Park.

For our last full day in London, we decided to plan only one fun thing so we could relax and pack our suitcases. Our fun activity was having tea at Liberty London (a big department store). A co-worker recommended visiting Liberty's and boy was she right. Liberty's is so cool!! 

Liberty London department store
For tea, I ordered the high tea with sandwiches, a scone with clotted cream and jam, cakes, and Earl Gray tea. My friend got the small tea with a scone, clotted cream, jam, and mango tea. Since this was our last tea in England I wanted to go all out :) The tea was really tasty (particularly the desserts). However, out of all the teas we had in England, my favorite was at the Jane Austen Centre. 

Tea at Liberty's
After tea, we explored the magnificent store. Neither of us bought anything because it was all pretty pricey, but they have tons of cool items and fantastic displays! There is an entire floor dedicated to yarn, fabric, thread, embroidery floss, buttons, cute dishes, etc. So fun! Liberty's is definitely worth a visit even if you only window shop :)

After Liberty's, we walked down Oxford street and did some window shopping. We also discovered that every Sunday in July the street is closed to vehicles in the afternoon. So people can explore both sides of the street without the fear of being run over lol. 

Regent Street traffic free Sundays in July

Next we visited Regent's Park. We strolled around for a while and then chose a comfy spot under some trees. It was a great location for people watching. There were loads of people walking through the park, sitting on the grass with their friends and family, playing frisbee, soccer, etc. 

After a few hours at Regent's Park, we picked up take away sandwiches from Pret a Manger for dinner. On our way back to the room, we stopped by a Sainsbury's (a grocery store in the UK) and got some tea, candy, etc to take back home with us. 

Boys playing soccer in Regent's Park
After we were done packing we met up with our grad student friend who helped us with our train ticket crisis and hung out with him for a while. When we were leaving I meant to tell him that I would send him some country music after I got home (we introduced him to the genre). However, what came out of my mouth was that I would send him some Christian music. This was totally a God thing because none of us had mentioned anything to do with faith during our conversation, and I really did mean to say country music. 

Because of this, he told us that he was thinking of "dropping Christianity." His mom is Catholic, his dad is Muslim, and he is searching for the truth. So we spoke with him about our personal relationships with Jesus and how He has changed our lives. He was curious about what we had to say, asked a lot of questions, and wanted to know more. 

After we returned to Oklahoma, we mailed him a care package with a usb drive full of country and christian music, some mementos from Oklahoma, and the book "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis. We haven't heard if he made any decisions about his personal faith yet. However, I know that us meeting him and our conversations were all part of God's perfect plan. If you are a Believer, please pray that this former grad student will find the truth of Jesus and answer God's calling in his life. 

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