"I've traveled every road in this here land" | CT, NY, NJ, PA, WV, OH, IN, IL, MO, KS, & OK

I may not have "traveled every road in this here land" but Mom and I should get medals after surviving my last move.

On our way home

After our lovely sightseeing trips, we finished packing up my apartment and one of my neighbors helped us move my couch down three flights of stairs to the parking lot. Unfortunately, this is where the story begins its downward spiral. I reserved a u-haul trailer the week before, but when we went to pick it up they did not have any trailers available. 

So we drove to the only other u-haul place open on a Sunday, thirty minutes away, and got a trailer. However, the trailer we got was much much larger than the one I used to move up here. My Mom told the u-haul man she thought it was too big for my truck (I have a V6 engine and it's not 4 wheel drive), but he said we would be fine. 

We load up the trailer and start driving back to Oklahoma bright and early the next morning. However, when we begin getting close to the Appalachian Mountains my truck started struggling and began over heating. The trailer was much too heavy for my truck and as a result we drove 40 mph with the windows down through most of Pennsylvania. 

We originally planned to take a different route home through some states that I had not visited before. However, we had to nix that route in favor of one that would be easier on my engine and take us through flat states. But I did get to travel through West Virginia for the first time :) 

Original Route

Actual Route

After talking to the u-haul company several times on the phone and not receiving any help, we stopped in a little town in Pennsylvania where the u-haul dealer took pity on us. He let us trade our giant trailer for a smaller trailer. So we unpacked the large trailer onto a hotel lawn in the middle of town, switched trailers, and packed the smaller trailer and the bed of my truck. Let me tell you, it's a funny thing to have all of your belongings strewn about a lawn in a town you've never been in with strangers driving by staring out their windows wondering what in the world you are doing.

Anyways, after we switched trailers we were able to tell a big difference! My truck was not struggling as much and after we got out of the mountains everything was fine! However, we did not want to tempt fate so we continued the rest of our journey with the windows down. I'm sure we were a sight to see wherever we stopped with our hair all windblown and odd farmer's tans on half of our bodies from either driving or riding the day before. 

But we made it back in one piece, my truck's new engine survived, and no matter how bleak our circumstances looked God always provided kind strangers along the way to help us.

I'm not sure why arriving in New England and leaving New England were both such dreadful experiences. Perhaps Connecticut is not ready to permanently host this country girl. Anyways, I will always remember these "adventures" and how God always provided for me and took care of me. 

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

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