Etsy Christmas Shopping Season: AKA the Busiest 18 Days of the Year

Hello blogging world!

I hope you have enjoyed my recent travel series on London and Chicago. If you haven't read them yet, you can find the London series here and the Chicago series here.

In case you don't know, I own the Etsy shop Southern RoseMary. Running an Etsy shop is fantastic! However, things tend to get crazy between the end of November through the middle of December. 

No matter how much you prepare, for 18 days it is organized chaos of answering people's questions, creating custom orders, gift wrapping purchases, and playing beat the clock with the United States Postal Service. 50% of my Etsy sales for the entire year happen during those 18 days! 

My custom handwriting pillow covers are my best sellers.

The custom handwriting pillow covers are
incredibly sweet, thoughtful, and sentimental gifts.

Having a creative outlet, running my own online store, and the fact that people purchase items from my store is a huge blessing from God. He always provides, protects, and comforts me. 

However, a girl needs some sleep lol. Therefore, I am taking a break from blogging for a few weeks. But never fear! Check back in 2018 for posts about my travels to Austin, Waco, and Round Top, Texas, Natchez, Mississippi, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and more!

Merry Christmas!!

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