Pops 66 Soda Ranch on Route 66 | Arcadia, OK

Something I have always wanted to do is visit Pops 66 Soda Ranch in Arcadia, Oklahoma. L indulged me and one night we visited it!

If you have ever wanted to try a drink that tastes Thanksgiving dinner or try 50 different kinds of root beer, you should definitely visit Pops.

In addition to having every kind of pop/soda/coke you can imagine, they also have a restaurant that serves a pretty good burger and great fries. Also, if you eat at the restaurant, you can pick out drinks from the coolers to have with your meal. I chose a traditional coke, to be on the safe side, and an Always Ask for Avery, a drink that is made in Connecticut (because I used to live there). L  tried two root beers and an espresso coffee cola. L liked all of her drinks and we both thought the Avery was terrible, lol.

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