The 1,700 Mile Journey: Part 2

Several things that I learned while driving halfway across the country:
1. It is very depressing that the speed limit is 75 mph on the Oklahoma turnpike but I have to drive slower because I am pulling a u-haul
2. Missouri and Illinois have absolutely gorgeous and pastoral countrysides 
3. Indiana roads are horrendous and half of the roads in the state are under construction
4. There is a Cracker Barrel in almost every town in Ohio
5. When you drive the width of Pennsylvania it seems tor stretch on forever
6. The majority of highways and interstates in New England have a speed limit of 50 or 55 mph but everyone drives 70 mph
7. New Jersey road signs will take you the most complicated route possible to get back onto the interstate
8. New York has ridiculously high tolls for very short sections of road
9. Connecticut either doesn't believe in street signs or someone stole them all one Halloween and they were never replaced
10. A smile and a Southern accent works wonders :)

Made it to Groton!

In spite of the case of the missing taxi, we made it back to our hotel with Emmitt's help. The next day we left extremely early in the morning. We were trying to make it to the apartment by 3:30ish so we would have plenty of time to unpack to u-haul. However, our schedule did not work out as planned.

We hit some construction in New Jersey which added to our ETA. Also, it was the weekend of 9/11 and we got stopped in New York. Everyone pulling any kind of a trailer got pulled over and was asked to open it so the Highway Patrol Officers could inspect the contents. Fortunately, our Officer was very nice. We explained to him that if we opened up the trailer we might not be able to get it shut again because it was crammed full of furniture and boxes. I guess he believed us and Mom and I didn't look too dangerous because he let us go through. 

Almost at the apartment

The ocean coast and sub base

We finally made it to the apartment around 5:30ish (two hours later than planned). We got the keys, took a look around, and were going to start unpacking. However, when I tried to open the u-haul, the door would only open about 2 inches...great. Luckily there was an 1-800 number on the side of the trailer and apparently this situation happens frequently. The company was nice enough to send out a mechanic to open the door for us (it only took the mechanic, his partner, a little crane type machine, and a lot of grunting to get it open). 

So yeah we got the trailer open! But it was now 8 pm, we hadn't eaten since lunch, we were just starting to unload, and we had to drag everything up the stairs to the third floor. Needless to say we were a little worn out and ready to get settled. 

And then that's when it happened. A woman came over and started verbally assaulting my Mom and me. I'm not really sure why she was so upset with us but she did not like us being there and told us, through a string of profanities, that she wanted us to leave. Also, she kept walking toward my Mom as if she was going to try to turn the verbal assault into a physical assault. Now I would never say this under normal circumstances, but I really hope she was intoxicated. No one in their right mind should ever speak to a stranger the way we were spoken to. 

That was the last straw. We were tired, hungry, stressed, and had now been attacked by a complete stranger. But even through this situation God provided. We left the complex and were able to stay at a future co-workers house for the night. The next day we talked to my museum contact and the apartment manager. Apparently, it was not the first time a situation like this had occurred with this individual and she was being evicted. After we received more information about the situation and got everything straightened out, we were finally able to move into the apartment late Sunday afternoon. 

Throughout this whole situation, I really didn't know what to do.I kept praying and asking God what He wanted me to do. He kept asking me over and over again "Have I not always taken care of you?" Which is completely true. He has always taken care of me and He has blessed me beyond what I can imagine. However, while this was happening I wanted a more specific answer. But God kept repeatedly telling me Jeremiah 29:11 over and over again, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

In spite of the various delays, setbacks, and frightening incidences, I made it to Connecticut and I am ready to see what God has planned for my time here.

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