Newport Mansions | Newport, RI

I had company for this weekend's exploration. My friend Elizabeth came down from Massachusetts and we drove to Newport, Rhode Island, to visit the mansions. Even though the families who owned these homes only lived in them for two months out of the year, it is estimated that each family would spend around $500,000 per season on dinners, parties, balls, and upkeep (that comes out to $7 million dollars in today's economy). 

Aerial view of Newport

Bridge into Newport

Our first stop was The Breakers summer "cottage" built by railroad tycoon Cornelius Vanderbilt II. This mansion is the grandest and most opulent of all the homes. 

The Great Hall

Morning Room

Music Room

View from the backyard

After visiting The Breakers, we drove along the coast and stopped to have a picnic lunch on the beach. 

yummy picnic

View during lunch

The next mansion we visited was Rosecliff. Rosecliff was home to Nevada silver heiress Theresa Fair Olerichs. Scenes from several films including The Great Gatsby and True Lies were filmed at Rosecliff.

Dining Room

Setting up for a wedding in the backyard

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